“Self-confidence is the primary ingredient of Success. It complements each other.

To reach the ultimate success and be able to share & sell confidently your work either on camera or in the market, you need to learn the 5 pillars that constitute the foundation of every confident business owner.”

In this FREE e-book
I am giving you the 5 ingredients of the secret recipe for Confidence & Success!
In which, you’ll discover your unique blueprint of success and be able to skyrocket your business by being fully confident about yourself as an entrepreneur and what you’re putting in this world!

This e-book is for every passionate business owner 

(service provider, freelance, artist, creative, coach, consultant…) who either is

An established digital entrepreneur and wants to move to the next stage but feels that something is off (doubtful, lost, hesitant, unfulfilled about themselves as an entrepreneur, their abilities, their business visibility, their work…)

A digital entrepreneur that aspires to show up online & in their community feeling confident, unstoppable, and fulfilled with what they are offering, how they are running your business, and selling their work with ease

Or wants to move their offline business online but fears being visible and selling their work online

“Once I started embracing my unique blueprint of success, things shifted in my career & life magically, I became a confident magnet to success and abundance!”

My journey wasn’t an easy one, running 2 careers as a multi-passionate hypersensitive introverted solopreneur, made me face a lot of challenges & endure an emotional trauma that affected my confidence as an artist and business owner.
After all this, I can tell you it is possible to be successfully & confidently visible, but to get there you need to be authentically aligned with your business
That was the key that drastically changed my career & fosters my confidence, I literally became unstoppable! And today I want to help you with this!

I am Mira,
“I help passionate business owners (creatives, artists, service providers…) present their work confidently (whether on camera or in the market) and teach them how they can amplify their potential, get over their doubts, and discover their unique entrepreneurial persona so they can show up & sell their work with ease, build a business that speaks their authentic voice and shine with their uniqueness!”

“Once I started embracing my unique blueprint of success, things shifted in my career & life magically, I became a confident magnet to success and abundance!”


My journey wasn’t an easy one, running 2 careers as a multi-passionate hypersensitive introverted solopreneur, made me face a lot of challenges & endure an emotional trauma that affected my confidence as an artist and business owner.
After all this, I can tell you it is possible to be successfully & confidently visible, but to get there you need to be authentically aligned with your business
That was the key that drastically changed my career & fosters my confidence, I literally became unstoppable! And today I want to help you with this!


I am Mira,
“I help passionate business owners (creatives, artists, service providers…) present their work confidently (whether on camera or in the market) and teach them how they can amplify their potential, get over their doubts, and discover their unique entrepreneurial persona so they can show up & sell their work with ease, build a business that speaks their authentic voice and shine with their uniqueness!”